Learning OKRs are best for defining success when the outcome is uncertain or undefined.
They encourage teams to explore or experiment. What are we trying to learn? What hypothesis are we trying to prove? The Key Results will help determine that.
Setting goals for experimentation encourages groups to explore new directions, while still ensuring a methodical approach to evaluate success.
When setting a learning OKR, the key question will often shift from asking, “What are we trying to accomplish in the next 90 days?” to “What are we trying to learn in the next 90 days?”
The key to writing a successful learning OKR is to identify what information will give you intelligence about how to move forward, and even to craft your next set of OKRs.
When drafting learning OKR, it’s important to keep the following in mind:
What are we trying to learn.Learning goals might include trying out new systems or methods, or experimenting with new ways to meet a challenge.
Focus on what you don’t know and would like to.The purpose of a hypothesis is to find the answer to a question. So don’t be afraid to ask really big questions.
Remain open-minded towards unexpected outcomes.You may discover that something works, kind of works, or doesn’t work at all. Experimental goals are all about the journey. It’s important to regularly check-in and discuss all of your Objectives. But, because experimental Objectives come with such unexpected results, it’s especially important to review, analyze, and communicate your results regularly.
Set Key Results to measure what matters.Key Results are the measures and milestones that indicate how you know you will accomplish our Objective
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